Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Eggs are for Eaton(s)

Oh hello. It's already been a month? Props to people who write in blogs religiously throughout the holiday season.

After a whirlwind road trip to Southern California, dog in tow, visiting with everyone I could possibly squeeze in, a terrible cold has taken over my life. Adding to the misery is the fact that it's almost too cold to breathe outside, I didn't get to cook nearly enough, and visiting with friends and family made me painfully, nostalgically homesick.

Okay, enough whining. Luckily, I've had this recipe from Garrett that I've been waiting to try out. Since eggs are one of my absolute favorite things to eat, I knew they'd cheer me up. I'm generally a sunny side up, over medium, runny yolks all the way type, but the addition of half and half and cheese to these scrambled eggs may've changed my mind.

They are crazy easy, but so good I couldn't stop shoveling egg into my mouth. Seriously, these eggs embody lazy sunday brunches outdoors on warm summer mornings in SoCal. I fried up some hoe cakes (recipe to come) to go along with them, and if I'd have had a bottle of champagne, a mimosa would've made this the perfect brunch to shake of the cold weather if only for a few fleeting moments...

3 eggs
2 tbsp half and half
1/2 cup of shredded cheese (cheddar/jack mix - Sargento Mexican 4 cheese is what I use)
1 pat of butter (for pan)
salt / pepper

Add butter to pan and put on medium low heat
Crack three eggs in a bowl
Add half and half, salt and pepper
Add to pan once heated
Mix/scramble as usual
Just before all eggs are cooked, add cheese
When cooked completely, plate, add more salt/pepper to taste



  1. Yum. Now I am cravin eggs.

  2. Aww...this post made me all misty-eyed, especially the amount of cheese you used. I love you & miss you, Karim! Eggcellent work!

  3. I admire your fervor in tripling...nay, quadrupling...the amount of cheese in the original recipe. Bravo, sir!

  4. haaaa heart you guys - i'm a cheeseaholic!
